Request for Advertising Information
If you are interested in advertising with Appleton-Waupaca-Oshkosh Macaroni KID and having your company's information sent directly to the inboxes of parents in Outagamie, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, and surrounding counties, please fill out this form and I will contact you shortly.

We offer the following:

Available any time (pending space availability):

Leaderboard ad- Appears at the top of the website for 1/3 of page views, also appears in the e-newsletters.

Banner ad- Appears at the right side of the website and rotates in the e-newsletter (position changes with each page view).

Sponsored email- Your business or offer featured in a dedicated email blast to all newsletter subscribers.

Guide sponsorship- Your business featured at the top of a guide (located in the Guides tab). Guides topics include helpful parenting information (potty training, etc), boredom busters, and seasonal family fun.  

Business Directory listing- Appears in the Business Directory tab on the website, includes contact info, link to website, product images, etc.

Advertorial- Article about your area of expertise with your contact info and link to your website.

Product review- Please provide information about the product or service you'd like me to try along with your inquiry so we can discuss the details.

Giveaway- You supply the product and we will run a promotion to give it away. You must also purchase an advertorial space to host the giveaway.

Graphic design services and video production are also available for an additional fee.

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Full Name: *
Company Name: *
Product or Service: *
Email Address: *
Your location (city and state): *
What forms of advertising interest you? *
Check all that apply.
Graphic Design and Video Production
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