Indian Lake Christian Camp



This year’s theme is Groundwork. We will be discovering all about the groundwork Christ did for our faith through Bible stories, Small Group, and spending time with other Christ followers.

Groundwork is our theme for this summer is referred to as Adventure camp of our basic weeks of camp. We also offer specialty weeks of camp like Drama, Archery, and Sports Camps. If you register for any of our specialty weeks of camp, please know that your camper will not be doing all the other camp activities. Their camp activities will be dominated by the specialty. They will always get the Bible story and small group time together.

Camp with us your way!

We offer a number of…..

Archery Camp

Archery Camp will have 2 sessions per day learning basic archery skills, building each day from the ground up with stance, grip, draw, hold, release. Camp has USA Archery trained staff running the program. Outside of the archery sessions, campers will enjoy all the other camp activities.

Drama Camp

Drama Camp will be producing a musical at the end of the week. Campers will practice music, blocking, and choreography. They will spend most of each day in the chapel at rehearsals, but will also enjoy all the water activities to get wet and have some fun! Drama camp is an overnight only option to have more time for rehearsal.

Sports Camp

Sports Camp focuses on drills and skills of sports like volleyball, basketball, soccer, and flag football. Your camper doesn’t need to be an expert any of these sports, but be willing and open to coaching and trying new things like a giant soccer ball, or tiny goals to help build skills and teamwork! Sports campers will still do other camp water activities like the slip n slide and kiddie pool kickball.

Survival Skills Camp

Survival Skills Camp is going to be focusing on how you would live life off the grid! Cooking over a fire, Starting fires in harsh conditions, Shelter building, orienteering, And lots more! Your camper does not need to have any experience in these things. We plan on introducing them in fun teambuilding environments!

S.T.E.M Camp

S.T.E.M Camp is a day camp only week that is going to be focusing on the fun creative side of S.T.E.M by learning about simple machinery in nature and teambuilding engineering challenges – Our goal is to spark their curiosity and get them excited for school to start!

Already Registered for Camp?

Here’s all you need to know! Check out our registered camper hub for packing lists, medical forms, FAQ’s and more!

Counselor in Training Program

The Counselor-in-Training (CIT) program is a behind-the-scenes look at camp. We want to pour into our CITs and help them grow deeper in faith and learn some leadership skills along the way. CITs will help with rec set up and clean up, serve food in the dining hall and probably take out the trash. They will also join campers during large group and worship, have their own mentor and devotions time, and still get to do the “fun parts” of camp like slingshots and archery. At the end of the summer, your CIT will receive a letter of volunteer service hours earned during the week and hopefully earn a letter of recommendation! We only have room for a few girls and boys each week of camp so register early to ensure a spot! There are also Day Camp spots for 6 CITs. Day Camp CITs will need to pack a lunch each day. All CITs are asked to attend an Orientation Class and do online training. CITs must be entering 9th -12th grade to participate and we also ask CITs to attend camp as a camper for High School week, which is Session 1 for summer 2025!

Day Camp CITs is $75 per week. Overnight CITs is $150 per week. Each CIT will receive a leader T-shirt, devotional, water bottle and drawstring bag. There are no discounts for CITs as this cost only cover supplies and food for the week. If your CIT is coming for multiple sessions, please reach out for a discount, but your CIT will be asked to bring their supplies (water bottle, t-shirt, etc) back each week!

Frequently Asked Questions

Multiple Family Plan – $20 discount starting with second child registered, excludes any three day camp.

Multiple Week Camper – $20 discount for registering for more that one week of camp, excludes any three day camp.

Yes, we encourage you to send mail to camper, but would love if you would bring it with you at checkin and leave it with us. We will make sure that your camper receives their mail. Need more info click here. 

Visits to Indian Lake Christian Camp by parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles etc. is strongly discouraged. We request that campers receive NO phone calls or visits during camp. Such actions disrupt the camp program and promote homesickness among campers. Parents will be notified immediately if any emergency occurs. Visitors must report to the Dean upon arrival at camp. In case of emergency call 443-693-2588.

Camp Rules
Have fun, try new things and make new friends!
Christian conduct is expected at all times.
Treat each other and the camp with respect.
Make smart choices and helps others do so too.
Cars brought by campers will be parked and locked for the week and the keys turned over to the Dean until the close of camp.
Campers and staff must wear closed shoes during daily activities.
Flip-flops can be worn to and from the bathhouse and the pool.
All illnesses and/or injuries must be reported immediately to the camp nurse.
Any visitors must check-in with a camp staff person.

There is a $50 nonrefundable registration fee if you cancel more than a week prior to your session of camp. Please contact camp for other refund details. We work really hard to make refunds a win win for camp and the camper! We will happily refund due to illness or injury, prior to the start of your session of camp, but can we transfer the registration to another camp week or program? That’s why we would love for you to contact us and we can figure out the details! We are not able to give refunds once your camper’s session start.

If you are under 18, there is a NO phone/electronics at camp policy. We want campers to connect with each other and their leaders and not their electronics! We have been lenient with this policy in the past, but had a few incidents that have made us change this policy. We know parents want to hear from their kids while they are away! Our partnership with WaldoPhoto is a great way to see your camper’s pictures each day! Please know that we will inform you of anything important by email or phone call and we will call if there is an emergency! The problem is that some of our older campers were using their electronics to meet up after light’s out and that is not a safe situation for our campers.

We want every kid to experience camp!

Limited scholarships are available, please click here to fill out a scholarship request form.

Support Our Mission

Camp is a place where magic happens! It creates space for life change, personal growth, building independent and resilience! Your support makes it happen!

Donate to our general fund, or Bless The Staff and support one of our hard working staff members with individual contributions.